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You have watched all the movies and TV shows. You have played all the games. But are you 100% prepared for the zombie apocalypse? Don’t get a caught in a situation that you cannot handle. Be prepared. Read The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead. Your very life and the lives of your loved ones may depend on it.

The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead is the ultimate guide on how to survive a zombie attack. Thousands have read it and it is the number one best seller on Amazon’s Survival & Emergency Preparedness book category. More of the hack and slash and less of the book reading type? Don’t worry, the book is fully illustrated with easy to understand diagrams. You can also opt for the Audio CD or Audible version of the book.

Learn about the most effective defense tactics, best weapons that you can get your hands on, understanding zombie psychology, how to prepare your home for a zombie siege, adapting your defenses to any terrain or territory and other vital zombie survival knowledge.

Equip yourself with everything you need to know about zombie survival before it is too late.
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