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Lego has taken over Mattel as the most valuable toy company in the world. While the standard Lego building blocks are still their best selling toy, the Lego Mindstorms series is highly popular among Lego’s older fans plus it is a great learning tool for robotics and programming. While Lego Mindstorms comes with its own programming software and language, there are many advanced users who want to unshackle the full power of the Lego Mindstorms toy system by using more advanced programming methods and bypassing the software that comes with the set. The BrickPi is a Lego compatible case for the Raspberry Pi that allows you to control your Mindstorms motors and sensors by using the Raspberry Pi.

The BrickPi Advanced set is for advanced Lego Mindstorms fans who want to do much more with the Mindstorms system and take it beyond what Lego has intended it for. However, it is strictly for those who want to get their hands dirty. The BrickPi is a bare bones kit with nothing except for the case that houses the Raspberry Pi Model A or B. The Raspberry Pi computer itself is not included with the unit. The required software need to be downloaded from manufacturer Dexter Industries’ website and installed on the Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi users will love how easy it is to mod and hack the BrickPi controlled robots as Dexter Industries have already written all the libraries plus lots of sample code. BrickPi users are also not limited to using the standard Mindstrorms sensors and motors. Other peripherals such as WiFi, mouse, webcam, flash drive plus loads more can be added and controlled using the BrickPi.

The BrickPi is the result of a highly successful Kickstarter project.

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