The Groceries Shopping Assistant


What do you mean that you are not currently purchasing your groceries via Amazon? Big Brother Amazon is not happy about that. With a wave of the magical wand (aka Amazon Dash) you too shall bow to the mighty Amazon. No longer shall you shop your groceries from anywhere but Amazon Fresh.

The Amazon Dash is a handy little new gadget from Amazon that makes grocery shopping no harder than to just scan the barcode of whatever you want to purchase or if you can’t even bothered to do that, just say it and the item will be added into your AmazonFresh shopping cart. Amazon wants to make shopping as easy as possible. No longer do you have to keep a shopping list. The moment you run out of something or think of something you need, all you have to do is speak into the device. The voice recognition technology used is the same one that is in use in the Amazon Fire TV.

The Amazon Dash works wirelessly via WiFi. Items that you add to your cart can be reviewed and confirmed using either a computer or a mobile device. Most items will be delivered by AmazonFresh within 24 hours. No more driving to the local store as everything will be delivered to your doorstep.

Via AmazonFresh