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We all love our multi-tools here at GetdatGadget. And we all have our own personal favorites that takes up a little precious space in our respective Everyday Carry (EDC) kits. However, being the hard to satisfy gadget freaks that we are, all of us are also on the lookout for the next great multi-tool. The one that will replace the current one in our EDC. Then along comes Swissarmius.

We have seen customizable multi-tools before but none can come even close to the Swissarmius. Want a bottle opener? Need a pair of scissors? How about a set of dining fork and knife? You can even add 6 sets for the entire family if you wish. Or the entire contents of your cutlery drawer.

Yes, the Swissarmius can hold all your cutlery or all the tools in your toolbox or be a great desktop caddy for all your stationery. While the Swissarmius can indeed be the ultimate multi-tool by having all kinds of tools and utensils, it does have a little problem with portability.

The Swissarmius may not earn a place in our EDC but it is a great addition to any multi-tool lover’s home. The design of this utensil storage is modeled after the original and very familiar Swiss Army Knife. It has four compartments and the way the contents spread out is what makes this such a great display piece for your home.
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